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Recent News

Guess Who is Getting Her Manuscript Back?

Claudia Rose Jun 26


Yes the rumors are true. I am indeed getting back my manuscript from the editors. In this moment in time I have the Rocky montage theme sound blaring in the back as I scrub, polish, and approve the tracking comments till it shines like the heavens above. My manuscript was once a whopping 96,000 words beast of description. Now resting at an 80,000 word action packed mythical beginning of something great! I have a journey ahead, but once I am finished I will share it with the world and invite you to visit.


Making leaps and bounds in 2016. I discovered Phoenix Comic Con! Here I thought my Sailor Moon worshipping, Table top enthusiast, tea snobbiest me could not, would not, find a place I was completely comfortable and in my element. And then there was comic con! Check out my Comic Con 2016 experience because you know you want to live viciously through me!

TeeHee, I am so silly today! X D

Celebrating Small Victories

Claudia Rose May 22


When you do this type of thing all without a publisher, you must expect bumps in the road. Unfortunately, my editor did not complete the manuscript in time for the deadline, so ultimately I must push back mine.

When extremely disappointed, it is important to celebrate the small victories in life. I have a professional artist working on a logo and I reached 200 likes on facebook! I am getting questions daily about the book and ideas for comic con. Keep them coming!


A Brave New World

Claudia Rose March 31


So proud of my Vlog 2. I took chances and made mistakes. Mrs. Frizzle would be so proud. I must say, I may have went over board but I think it was really good practice. 

I can't wait to share my first Comic Con experience with everyone. I welcome this brave new world I step into and the people I will meet along the way.


Back in Action & Better Than Before!

Claudia Rose March 27


My 2016 is starting off great! This is the year that I spread my wings and publish. June 9th 2016 is my release date for Kindle and I hope that every one of you grabs a copy this summer.


Stepping out of my comfort zone seems to be the theme this year. I am now vlogging and going for that deeper connection with my audience. I am a little bit new at it but would love the feedback. Check out my YouTube page to see my first Vlog.


For my first event of the year, I will be attending Comic Con and I am thrilled. June 2-5th I will be attending Phoenix Comic Con. Should I cosplay or should I not cosplay? That is the question! Feel free to say HI if you see me there. Check out the website and see what has change.


Claudia Rose video, CRFantasy, Vlog 1,
Writer's Block Has Left the Building!

Claudia Rose March 14


I am glad to announce that my writers block is over. After I had vented in my blog, I felt so much better at my approach to the book proposal. However, I am still struggling with the query, but I will overcome that challenge too.

Thank you to those who responded, your responses were pleasant and insightful. I decided to have my book proposal be a little bit of both, which is challenging. Will require a lot of editing and fine tuning but I think I am up for the challenge. You would think this would be easier than writing a 90,000 word novel.


If you haven’t checked out my Character Profiles page, you should take a peak. It is coming along beautifully, thank you to all the artists with the talent of illustration and Photoshop. Granted, the book was finished before I saw the art, but it just gives me the opportunity to share my views on this world I created with all of you. 


Welcome to the Jungle

Claudia Rose March 6


So I have been reading this book called The Essential Guide to Getting Your Book Published by Arielle Eckstut and David Henry Sterry and I got to the social media sections and I told myself, “ Claudia you can do this!” So 12 hours later I have step foot in the jungle that is Twitter, frolicked through the meadow that is blogging, and dance willy-nilly off the shores of Facebook. I am totally a newb, but you know what I am having a good time. Check me out, comment, feedback, whatever!

A New Beginning

Claudia Rose Feb 28

I can't begin to describe to you how amazing it feels to start your first website about something you love and care about. So cheers to all who were here at the beginning! It is qoing to be one wild ride!

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